NUM | First Name | Last Name | Registration Date | Skip Name | Vice Name | Second Name | Lead Name |
21 | Mike | Richards | Wed, 02-12-2025 | Nick Drews | Max Smith | Parker Abbott | Mike Richards |
22 | Chris | Scott | Wed, 02-12-2025 | Tim Gartner | Chris Scott | Nick Visnich | Jason Mahle |
23 | Wes | Leksell | Tue, 02-11-2025 | Andy Rootes | Tony Wright | Wes Leksell | Darren Vogt |
24 | JAMES | KROEKER | Tue, 02-11-2025 | Dustin Kroeker | Mark Vares | Dave Hamilton | James Kroeker |
25 | Steve | Banovetz | Tue, 02-11-2025 | Steve Banovetz | Nate Bock | Bill Zabowski | Andrew Greengrass |
26 | Justin | Reischek | Mon, 02-10-2025 | Cory Anderson | Justin Reischek | Sheldon Oshanyk | Ted Laing |
27 | Kent | Beadle | Thu, 02-06-2025 | Kent Beadle | Ken Olson | Paull Rukavina | John Meyers |
League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.
Memorial Building
400 E. 23rd Street
Hibbing, MN 55746